Dr Turner’s research is carried out as Honorary Senior Lecturer at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London. Dr Turner has published on the full array of neurological conditions, from dizziness to tuberculosis meningitis. The focus of Dr Turner’s research is in Multiple Sclerosis from examining the cause, looking at Epsilon toxin in sheep to identifying highly effective disease modifying therapies such as ocrelizumab and stem cell therapy.
Dr Turner was UK Chief Investigator for the positive study of ocrelizumab in RRMS (OPERA) which led to the licencing of ocrelizumab in RRMS. He has also been UK Chief Investigator for studies in Rebif and Copaxone (REGARD), Aubagio (TOPIC) and Tecifedra (DEFINE). Currently Dr Turner is investigator in the trial of siponimod in secondary progressive MS (SPMS), the first phase of which was positive making this potentially the first licenced treatment for SPMS. He has been investigator in clinical trials for all licenced therapies in MS.
Dr Turner works in the Neuroimmunology and Barts MS team headed by Professor Gavin Giovannoni based at The Blizard Institute of Cell and Molecular Science where basic science and translational research into MS is tackling the challenges of this complex condition.
Please download the list of publications to which I have contributed here